
Differences between a Car Locksmith and a Door Locksmith

Can all locksmiths deal with fixing auto locks with a passcode? The answer is “NO”; not all locksmiths are suitable for all kinds of jobs. So, what’s the difference between a Car locksmith and a Door locksmith? Just like a specific key for a specific lock, you need the right serviceman for the distinctive locks.

There are two different types of locksmiths – car locksmiths and door locksmiths. Both types of locksmiths are trained in different ways to help you with your security needs. They both often perform very different tasks, although there is some overlap in their skillsets.

This will make things clear for you to distinguish the locksmith service you need.

Differences between a Car Locksmith and a Door Locksmith

What's the difference between a Car locksmith and a Door locksmith?

Sounds blend when you call a locksmith and the person on the other end asks you about the specifications of your locking system. The reason is general locksmith cannot perform the tasks related to a car’s locks and vice versa.

In simple words,

  • The car locksmith is the auto locksmith that deals with cars and vehicle locks.
  • The general or traditional locksmith is also known as a “door locksmith” and deals with the building (windows and doors) locks.

But the point here is that do the cars have no doors, so a door locksmith cannot fix it and demands specialists dealing with car locks? Confused! Know your Problem and the expertise you need to get it fixed. Eventually, you must know about the specialist dealing with the locking system you have before calling a locksmith.

Programming and Electronics Abidance: A locksmith dealing with cars and digital locks must know the basics of programming and electronics. Usually, the integrated locking system and a general locksmith dealing with door locks can’t deal with digital and modern locks. So, ask about the locksmith’s expertise before hiring one for the smart locks. 

Auto locksmith CertificationUnlike door locking systems, Car locks are complicated and demand a professional auto locksmith working in the field. An untrained or incompetent locksmith may cause irreversible damage to the locking system. Therefore, while calling a locksmith, ask for the certifications and expertise of the locksmith in the field.

Deals with Keys and Keyless locksWhen you need a locksmith for a vehicle, you must find someone to work with keyed and keyless locks. The keyless fobs often need reprogramming to troubleshoot the existing Problem. On the other hand, vehicles with key-lock systems also demands classical locksmith. Therefore, inform the locksmith about the locking system of your car or building when calling the locksmith. 

Residential and Commercial LocksmithUsually, the locksmith dealing with residential and commercial buildings is called a door locksmith or traditional locksmith. The main job of the door locksmith includes;

  • Rekeying 
  • Duplicating keys
  • Master key for multiple locks
  • Troubleshooting existing locks and keys 
  • Commercial and residential lockouts fix
  • Installation of locks on doors and windows
The person should be skilled enough to deal with multiple classical and modern locks. 

Car vs Door Locksmith Differences [Comparison]

Car’s Locksmith

Door’s Locksmith

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